School education is a mandatory

How (not) to export civil society

  • Keith Brown (Brown University, Providence), “Do We Know How Yet? Insider Perspectives on International Democracy Promotion in the Western Balkans”
  • ThéodoraVetta (École des hautesétudes en sciences sociales, Paris),“‘Democracy Building’ in Serbia: the NGO Effect”

School education is a mandatory one for every one of us to have a bright future. Most of the past generation people missed their schooling and we could have seen many of them are suffering from a lot of difficult works as they are illiterates. So, we must take it as a lesson from them and we must wake up ourselves and move on with the higher studies.

Education always gives us enormous growth than we dreamt of. So, choose a college or university wisely and pursue your education there to gloss like stars in the future years.

It is the duty of the parents to engage their kids with some wonderful games and plays which make them think in a smart way. We must always keep in mind that we have to do everything in a smart and intelligent way so that we are able to fascinate the audience.

In recent days, many summer schools have launched and they are running viral with great success. Most of the parents want their children to be active always without getting bored. So, they would wish to admit them in a summer school as they provide a wonderful platform to the kids.

The teachers and staff in the summer school encourage the kids to open up and bring out their hidden talents and creativity by giving some authentic crafts works. Usually, the children love to do umpteen craft works as they always love playing with glue, gum and all.

We the parents and guardians should come forth and motivate the children so as to boost up their concentration and enthusiasm towards the studies and works. Most of the children expect some type of encouragement from their parents but in the end, the children get disappointed.

So, never forget to appreciate your child and give some rewards to them. We can see vast development only when we motivate them without fail.

There are even some online summer courses available for the kids from age 4 to 15. But as it is fully online, the parents should be very careful and we should always have an eye on them. The online courses are very risky because there are possibilities for crashing the system when there is a power failure.

Still, there are some websites which have n number of subscribers with it. Those who want to learn about the official site, we can just make a quick google search and get to know about it.

  • MilicaGolubovic (Northeastern University, Boston), “Judicial Professional Associations ― Fostering Judicial Reform through Civil Society Development”
  • Elton Skendaj (Cornell University, Ithaca), “Peace Education as a Democratizing Process”
  • Francesco Strazzari (ScuolaSuperioreSant’Anna, Pisa), “Trans-Albanian vs Pan-Albanian Spaces: the Urban Dimension of the ‘Albanian Question’”