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Home Education MA Programs 2009/2010 - ERMA-SEE - Press release
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University of Sarajevo

European Regional Master's Degree Programme in
Democracy and Human Rights in South East Europe

ERMA-SEE Closing/Opening Ceremony

Press release

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On 30 October 2023 twenty eight Masterini have graduated from the European Regional Master's Degree Programme in Democracy and Human Rights in South East Europe (ERMA) at the University of Sarajevo. The diploma awarding ceremony which took place in the Senate's Hall of the University of Sarajevo Rectorate has been attended by

numerous national and foreign diplomats, professors of various universities, the former and future students of the Programme, their friends, families and others. The ceremony was commenced by the Prorector of the University of Sarajevo Mrs. Slavenka Vobornik, and the audience was addressed by Mr. Boris Iarochevitch from the Delegation of the European Union to Bosnia and Herzegovina, Mr. Simone de Santi– First Secretary of the Embassy of the Republic of Italy in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the co-directors of Programme - professor Stefano Bianchini and professor Zdravko Grebo, the ERMA faculty representative professor Hans Joachim Heintze, John Patrick Leech - city councilor for culture and international relation of Forli, the president of Association Alumni of the Center for Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Studies (ACIPS) Sanel Huskić as well as the student representative for the 2009/2010 generation Sumeja Tulic. At the same ceremony the new generation of students was inaugurated.

The ERMA Programme was established by the joint efforts of several universities from the South East Europe and the European Union, and is co-financed by the European Commission and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Italy. Until now, over 250 students, mostly from the region of South East Europe, European Union and beyond have graduated from this Programme. The diplomas for this Programme are co-signed by the rectors of the University of Sarajevo and the University of Bologna.


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Last Updated on Friday, 26 November 2023 12:24  


PECOB's call for papers

The Scientific Board of PECOB announces an open call for papers to be published with ISSN 2038-632X

Interested contributors may deal with any topic focusing on the political, economic, historical, social or cultural aspects of a specific country or region covered by PECOB.

Potential contributors must submit a short abstract (200-300 words) and the full text, which can be in English as well as any language from the countries covered by PECOB.

Upcoming deadlines for submitting proposals are:

January 31st, 2011
June 30th, 2011
November 30th, 2011

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