Summer school

  • Keith Brown (Brown University, Providence), “Do We Know How Yet? Insider Perspectives on International Democracy Promotion in the Western Balkans”
  • ThéodoraVetta (École des hautesétudes en sciences sociales, Paris),“‘Democracy Building’ in Serbia: the NGO Effect”

Summer school is the recent trending one in the past five years. In the past years, when the children get two months summer vacation holidays in school, then they become very excited about going to their native places and enjoy nature and all. But now everything has reversed and the parents are looking forward to admitting their kids in a summer school once their summer vacation starts. Because nowadays the children are very naughty and active and they are not at all able to sit in one place for some time continuously. So, the parents feel really very difficult to manage them at home.

The summer classes are the best stressbusters for many parents. They admit their children n that classes to make them engaged. In that summer school, they keep on engaging the kids with some activities like playing, doing craft works and even they teach them to do fireless cooking. This is truly a wonderful idea and also it helps the children to enhance their skills and explore various novel things we could not even imagine.

We must say the summer schools are the best part for the working parents because, in the holiday times, they feel very bad about where to leave their kids and who will take care of them in a protective way. We all have got a solution to that problem dan that is nothing but summer school.

Even the students enjoy attending the summer classes as it is really interesting and helps to open up their hidden talents. In some institutions, they even conduct games and distribute many prizes and certificates for the kids and so they really enjoy going to those classes than staying at home.

Even I thought about this and planned to begin a new summer school on my own.

Yes, I am the proprietor for my school and I am glad to run it with infinite kids and they truly enjoy playing and they themselves come forth and perform many activities. I think this is really a great success in my career.

The teachers should be very interactive with the kids and they can even conduct a session about the importance of communication and how interaction creates an inseparable bond between the people. The students must be taught with all the things needed for their lives in a simple way so that they can understand it very well.

Admit your kids in a well-reputed summer school and allow them to discover a lot of things we could not even imagine.

  • MilicaGolubovic (Northeastern University, Boston), “Judicial Professional Associations ― Fostering Judicial Reform through Civil Society Development”