Reading, the wonderful habit

  • MilicaGolubovic (Northeastern University, Boston), “Judicial Professional Associations ― Fostering Judicial Reform through Civil Society Development”
  • Elton Skendaj (Cornell University, Ithaca), “Peace Education as a Democratizing Process”

Reading, the wonderful habit everyone of us should inculcate from the early days. We can get to know more and more new things when we read many new books. Reading always gives us an immense pleasure which no one can give. So, I think it is the best start to develop the reading habit and read any books you would like to.

Reading enhances the hidden talents and we definitely come up with some fantastic ideas when we go through some wonderful books. Nowadays we can not even spend money and buy new books from stores, we can just download whatever book we want to and read online. It is not much expensive too and what we actually need is a stable and a non-fluctuating internet connection. There is no need of spending even a single penny from our pockets.

Reading books create some wonders and it helps to bring out our inbuilt skills and it triggers us to come forward and do something great.

When we get through some history books and novels, then there are chances of learning many things the ancient people did to survive in this world. Even how were the people before independence and what the independence gave the public.

You can check this link right here now to know more about the history based books. Because many people who were born after independence would definitely like to know how was the country before independence and how is everything now. I hope the books and novels in the above link give you all a great reading experience and a bundle of joy as you are all reading about our precious country and its independence.

The country before getting independence was really in a tragic position and we were treated as slaves. The way the freedom fighters handled the situation was really miserable and we all must learn the stability and the passion towards their target.

This helps us in our lives abundantly as many people are still working as slaves in many companies under their boss. So, think in a smart way and try to come out of your fear and hesitation to do good things.

Reading wonderful books help us to think in a wide manner and come out from our usual circle. So, spend your time in a quality way by reading a lot of books and magazines and get to know many things which are essential for your life.

  • Francesco Strazzari (ScuolaSuperioreSant’Anna, Pisa), “Trans-Albanian vs Pan-Albanian Spaces: the Urban Dimension of the ‘Albanian Question’”