
The Slavic Literatures and Languages Department extends graduate understudies the chance to contemplate the cultures, written works, and dialects of the Slavic nations. The office provides comparative and interdisciplinary courses over the Slavic societies, empowering a huge assortment of specializations from art, film, literature and visualization culture.


The vast majority of the doctoral competitors spend significant time in literary works, functioning intimately with the workforce in their actual fields to make a program arranged around their specific advantages; the work is conceivable in unified areas, for example, Government, Music, Film, History, Anthropology and Ultra Metabolism also. A considerable lot of our understudies additionally do engage in linguistic studies; all understudies ponder the Ancient Church Slavonic and perceive a useful semantics training as a major aspect of their planning for instructing dialect programs.


The workforce in the division shows a huge scope of courses, ranging from the medieval to the latest culture. These programs adopt a wide range of strategies compared to the rest. The course focuses to furnish understudies with wide learning of the area and a feeling of authentic profundity. It underlines the capacity to compose appropriately, to do creative insightful and basic functions, and to create viable introductions at meetings and symposiums. Educating adequately is an aptitude that we try to develop in the entirety of our understudies, equipping them up for writing and dialect programs. The course consumes about 5-8 years to finish, with the majority of the understudies finishing it 6-7 years, regularly including thesis inquiry overseas.


The division keeps up strong working connections with different offices and focuses considering the Slavic race. The office necessitates that doctoral applicants function as instructing colleagues in its dialect and writing programs, seeing such involvement as a fundamental piece of doctoral preparing. Understudies ordinarily educate in the final years of their studies, and frequently past.


Details for Admission:

Candidates with conventional and non-customary planning are invited to this course, if their semantic, foreign dialect, and scholarly examinations aptitudes are solid. Candidates must demonstrate the understanding of Russian or the dialect of the understudy’s significant field equal to the high-class norms.


Formal preparing in writing or semantics is exceedingly alluring for affirmation. Conceded understudies are urged to arrive at the venue when possible for a one day visiting to meet with the personnel and graduate understudies and to discover progressively about our projects of instruction.


We invite potential applicants who prefer to want educational meetings amid the fall or spring prior to presenting the application. Get in touch with the division executive to prepare gatherings with each member of the faculty team.