“Europe and the Balkans” International Network

The “Europe and the Balkans” International Network was established by 12 scholars from 4 countries (Italy, United Kingdom, Greece and Denmark) in 1993, thanks to the financial support of the European Commission (Human Capital and Mobility Program).

Since then, the Network has greatly expanded and currently includes over 250 scholars from 36 European countries, the United States and Canada.

The Network has a flexible structure and is coordinated by the Institute for Central Eastern and Balkan Europe.

In looking at the political and monetary direction of the Western Balkan region through this website, consideration has been centered around the relationship with the EU (European Union). There are the financial, conciliatory and social associations that have been set up between the area and different rising economies. A portion of these associations is restoring ancient connections, for example, ones with Russia. The rest are fresher comparatively, for example, China, and speak to new wellsprings of financial advancement and political open doors for the district. Associations extend from interests in vital ventures, pipeline advancements and foundation extends that interface the Balkan promontory with the Central parts of Europe, Northern Africa, and the Middle East to activities that are apparently increasingly unconstrained in character.


The EU has close and near connections with the nations in the Western region of the Balkans. It means to anchor prosperous, steady, and well-working social orders on an enduring way towards EU mix. The situations for setting up legally binding relations with these nations were initially set up during 1997. It was affirmed that the nations belonging to this region might be qualified for EU enrollment in case they had the criteria set up during 1993. The assurance of the European Council to completely and adequately bolster the Western parts of the Balkans on their way for joining the European Union was repeated during 2003.


During 2006, the European Council insisted the requirement for reasonable and thorough regulations in accordance with the Copenhagen criteria, the adjustment, and affiliation procedures and the restored agreement on conceding fresh nations to the European Union. Serbia and Montenegro have begun participation dialogues among them.


As per the CSDP (Common Security and Defense Policy), the European Union holds a major and fundamental supporting job in balancing out Herzegovina and Bosnia, via a military-driven accomplishment. Inside the Stabilization and Association procedure, local participation and great neighborly connections are basic for steadiness and the area’s progressing compromise procedures.