
  • MilicaGolubovic (Northeastern University, Boston), “Judicial Professional Associations ― Fostering Judicial Reform through Civil Society Development”

Blogging has become an emerging and trending career jobs in recent items. We are able to see many people have started their own page and written a lot of blog posts based on their knowledge and interests. There is nothing much difficult to open a new page. We must be very clear about our what topics we are going to write and the writing style should impress the readers so that we can get infinite followers and readers.

Blogging was once done just for time passing. But nowadays we can yield more money out of it. Many bloggers are becoming eminent due to their writing style.

The way we write is more important than what content we are writing about. So, be very stylish and at the same time, make the content understandable by the readers.

There are many websites who want to write blog posts for them and they are ready to pay a huge amount as a compliment. But the writer should follow their strict rules and regulations and the blog must satisfy the client’s requirements.

The blogger must initially transit the knowledge from the customers about what they actually need from us in a clear manner so that we can proceed writing and present them a wonderful content.

The writers should present the blog with the limited number of words as the patrons conveyed them.

The bloggers can equip themselves more and more by reading a lot of books and other writer’s blogs. That will really help them to learn many new words and they can even come up with great stuff.

When we start writing in a fantabulous way, then we can get chances of writing a book for the clients. That is truly a great success for us all because the people mostly read more books than reading blogs online. So, the reach will be amazing and we can even become an eminent writer soon.

Look at this site and learn what the new bloggers ought to know and the ways to fascinate the clients. Once we satisfy our customers much, then they will always reach us with a bundle of fresh works and they will never think of any other bloggers to write for their projects.

Never ever feel shy to approach the clients when you have some queries. Because the more we ask, the more we do better. So, feel comfortable, enjoy your writing and deliver a great end product.

  • Elton Skendaj (Cornell University, Ithaca), “Peace Education as a Democratizing Process”
  • Francesco Strazzari (ScuolaSuperioreSant’Anna, Pisa), “Trans-Albanian vs Pan-Albanian Spaces: the Urban Dimension of the ‘Albanian Question’”