Professor job

  • Keith Brown (Brown University, Providence), “Do We Know How Yet? Insider Perspectives on International Democracy Promotion in the Western Balkans”
  • ThéodoraVetta (École des hautesétudes en sciences sociales, Paris),“‘Democracy Building’ in Serbia: the NGO Effect”

Professor job is one of the toughest jobs I could say because the students are all teenaged youngsters and it is very hard to manage them and make them focus on the education and studies. Still, we are able to find n number of university lecturers who do some magic and create an interest among the students on them.

Even I have faced one professor in my college life who was very social and there was no one in the college who hate her. Such a wonderful human being and a very dedicated staff who worked only for the welfare of the young students.

Dedication and devotion are the best ones needed for a university professor. But in recent days, Ph.D. has become a mandatory study to hold the position of a professor. Ph.D. can be done in any background but those who would like to join as a lecturer must have done with their doctorate degree.

The young ones who want to do Ph.D. can go and reach one best professor for the wonderful guidance. We have to do an internship under them in the subject we have chosen to get a doctorate.

There are some marvelous doctorates who can provide wonderful training and guidance to their subordinates. To improve our knowledge and get exposure to our chosen subject, we can also read some blogs written by the eminent experts. The language in the blog is very understandable and everyone can get what they try to convey.

Reading is a wonderful habit and we all ought to inculcate the habit of reading from the childhood days itself. In whatever profession we would like to choose, we must be very clear about what the profession is and how it will be. This can be achieved only we start reading many books and online blogs by the experts.

But most of us are making mistake in this and they want to get the doctorate degree blindly without doing any hard work and this is highly ridiculous. It is very hard to pressurize anyone to do something and they must come forward and do it on their own if they really want to reach greater heights in life.

If we try to dig this into their minds, then they will become furious as they are not at all ready to give their ears to anyone. So, better mind our own business and move on with your passions.

  • MilicaGolubovic (Northeastern University, Boston), “Judicial Professional Associations ― Fostering Judicial Reform through Civil Society Development”
  • Elton Skendaj (Cornell University, Ithaca), “Peace Education as a Democratizing Process”
  • Francesco Strazzari (ScuolaSuperioreSant’Anna, Pisa), “Trans-Albanian vs Pan-Albanian Spaces: the Urban Dimension of the ‘Albanian Question’”