Do We Know How Yet

  • Keith Brown (Brown University, Providence), “Do We Know How Yet? Insider Perspectives on International Democracy Promotion in the Western Balkans”
  • ThéodoraVetta (École des hautesétudes en sciences sociales, Paris),“‘Democracy Building’ in Serbia: the NGO Effect”

Studies are more important for every one of us and it is not good to be a bookworm. We have to come out of our school studies and explore many new things in life which is going on around us. Thus we can develop our knowledge on the things happening in the world.

Many schools are providing this wonderful opportunity for their students to get to know about the world activities. But getting admissions in those schools have become a tough and tedious process. The students or the parents can download the admission form online and fill out the necessary information correctly and submit it. If the children get selected, then they can join in that particular school, do their higher studies and come out with many talents and abundant knowledge.

If you would like to know more about those institutions, then click here now and proceed. This page contains the name of the school management which offers many new facilities to the students.

Go, have a look at it, choose your best one and continue your further education there in that institution. Selecting the course which fits our background is very predominant and many people do mistake in this selection. If a person chooses a course in which he or she does not have interest, then it is truly impossible to concentrate on the subjects and score high marks.

So, think well twice or thrice before opting a course of study. Make a research about the particular course and the scope of it in the future.

In recent times, some experts come forward and provide counseling for the students about the courses of study in the colleges and universities and which course will definitely bring great success in the upcoming years. This helps all the children to decide about their future studies.

There are many schools and colleges which provide fantastic coaching to the students. But it is in our hands to choose that college and pursue studies there. They offer many special classes to the children to learn about the new things so that they can lead a better life anywhere without any hesitation and fear.

I could say, the schools and colleges help us somewhat, but it is our responsibility to learn it so quickly and develop our skill on it.

Hurry up! The admissions are going on in various eminent institutions. Go, grab yours, discover the world and reach greater heights soon.

  • MilicaGolubovic (Northeastern University, Boston), “Judicial Professional Associations ― Fostering Judicial Reform through Civil Society Development”
  • Elton Skendaj (Cornell University, Ithaca), “Peace Education as a Democratizing Process”
  • Francesco Strazzari (ScuolaSuperioreSant’Anna, Pisa), “Trans-Albanian vs Pan-Albanian Spaces: the Urban Dimension of the ‘Albanian Question’”