17th CEI International Summer School Beyond Enlargement. The Wider Europe and the New Neighbourhood

The Background

The CEI International Summer School “Beyond Enlargement. The Wider Europe and the New Neighbourhood” will take place in Faenza, from Sunday 4th to Saturday 17th September 2011.

Since 1995 the “Europe and the Balkans International Network - Centre for Eastern European and Balkan Studies”, established by the University of Bologna, has been organising a yearly Summer School for post-graduate students from Eastern Europe and from the European Union. Up to the ninth edition, held in 2003, the School was entitled “Post-Communist Transition and European Integration Processes”. Starting from 2004 the School has the title: “Beyond Enlargement.

The children become unconditionally happy when they are nearing their summer vacations because they can get around a month of continuous holidays. But once the vacation begins, they start feeling passive and boring.

But in recent days, almost all the parents would like to put up their kids in summer classes and even it has become a trend now. I could say this is really a great thing because when the kids stay at home for such a long time, they get bored very easily and get irritated unnecessarily. So, if we engage them in something interesting, it will be definitely helpful for them to learn many new things and their creativity level can get increased automatically.

We the parents can check here the best schools for summer classes and admit our children there and bring out their hidden talents. When the kids mingle with many children, then automatically their interaction and communication skills can develop and it helps them for their bright future.

Think well and decide before admitting your little ones in the summer school as many institutions are looting the money from us and not teaching the children well and making them exploring any novel things.

The Wider Europe and the New Neighbourhood”. This title change is explained by the enlargement of the EU towards ten East European Countries in 2004, seven of them belonging to the CEI area that represents the conclusion of the so called “post-communist transition”, at least for this part of Eastern Europe. The recent policy of the EU on “Greater Europe and the new neighbourhood” offers new rooms for an interaction between the CEI and the EU strategic goals, and this will be taken into serious consideration in the School programmes as well as in the selection of the students.